Showami Referrals

Agent-to-Agent Referrals

Showami allows our Platinum agents to leverage our nationwide network to refer their clients or to receive referrals from other agents within our network.

Have a reason to refer?

  • Have a client moving out of the area?
  • Do you know a friend or family member who needs an agent in another state?
  • Maybe you need an agent that has a special need that you don't service?

You get access to our nationwide network of agents to find your client an agent that specializes in their area, and you can collect a referral fee if a transaction closes.

What percentage referral fee do I receive?

As the submitting agent, you get to determine the referral fee desired when submitting the referral.

15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

How does the process work?

Referral is Created

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Three Agents Receive the Request

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Agents Send Applications for the Referral

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The Requesting Agent Picks who gets the Referral

More about the process

The referral will be sent to agents in the geographic area you are referring your client to. The top agents will be notified and will have the ability to respond to your request with their credentials along with having the ability to submit a presentation/brochure for your review.

None of the agents will receive any of your client's identifying information during the initial submission. You will have the ability to review the agent's information before selecting an agent to receive the referral.

Once an agent is selected by you to receive the referral, a referral agreement will be created and sent to you and the receiving agent for signatures. The client's information will be included on the referral form.


At this time, Showami doesn't take any part of the commission and charges no fees on referrals. This feature is also only available to Showami Platinum members and not to every member on Showami.

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Showami, your guide to referrals

Want to Grow Your Referral Business

Check out our 9 tips and tricks for growing your referral business.