Condition Reports

Order a Professional Condition Report

Get an agent's perspective on a property today! Our licensed agents can help you get a preliminary report on a property including photos and suggestions on updates the property may need.

What's Included in the Report?

  • Photos of the property
  • Key insights to repairs needed
  • Key insights on the design and features of the home

Who Typically Orders Condition Reports?

  • Homeowners requesting a condition report on their out-of-state property
  • Inspection companies
  • Appraisal companies

Need a Tailored Solution?

Our solution has been designed for the majority of users, however, you may require agents that go through a particular training module, background checks, ect. If that's the case please reach out to [email protected].

Everything you need to know about Condition Reports

Here's our guide on everything you need to know about property condition reports.

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