Brokerage Solution

Give the agents in your brokerage an edge. Choose to leverage just the agents in your brokerage or expand outside of your brokerage and extend your reach.

Free Solution Paid Solution
A couple touring a home with a real estate agent

Be in Control of your Brokerage

Oversee the agents in your brokerage through the brokerage solution.

Free Brokerage Platinum Brokerage
Yes Ability to Open/Close the Brokerage
Yes View Agent Showing Activity
Yes Ability to Add and Remove Agents
Yes Search Client Names from Dashboard
Yes Centralized Payment/Payout Option
- Automation Requests via API
- Branded Landing Page
- $1 per showing gets credited back to the brokerage
(credit sent for each 100 successful showings)
- Multiple Admins
- TC/Admin Scheduling
- Groups Feature
- 1 Account with Platinum Features (except the $1 off)

Platinum Brokerage Pricing

* Please note that you must have 10 or more agents in your brokerage to participate in the paid or free version of the brokerage solution.

Agents Setup Cost Monthly
10+ $250 $50

Create a Free Brokerage Solution Account

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Demo the Platinum Brokerage Solution Account

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